Episode #20

  • Did you know you can study at the Pomegranate Doyle Night School of Magic? 

Oh yes you can and the cost is entirely karmic. Here is testimony from a student in the school.

  • Understanding the power of the priestess to READ, as in . . .

    Honey, I'm going to "read" you


Honey, let me read you. 


Honey, you need a reading. 

  • What’s the difference between surrender vs. quitting . . . or giving up? I don't know what? . . . Oh that wasn't a set up for a joke? Knock knock . . .

  • I'm so mad I could just . . . Wait a minute, am I cursing when I'm angry? What kind of magic is OK when dealing with others’ bad behavior and why am I always running out of eye of newt?

Ebenezer Galluzzo