Episode #27

Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore! Sometimes we just can't go back home and a global Quarantine is one of those times. The old world is over, the new world is being birthed - how will you express that magic through your life? AND remember a panicking priestess is a useless priestess. I mean a Calm Priestess is a Useful Priestess,  Calm Useful, calm useful . . .

  • Jamie asks for ideas on teaching children magic. Maybe we really teach them how to handle the "magic" they bring into our lives (adorable little creatures). Here are things children can do with magic: make Relationships, learn Discernment and cast Protection.

  • Brittany asks, "Am I crazy or am I a Mystic?"  Right!!?  We don't get no respect. Maybe we should join the Garbage, Grocery and Janitors Workers union?  Let's Learn why being a Mystic is valuable and useful - if we remain calm, remain calm (I’m breathing . . . I’m breathing . . . )

  • Melia asks, "I got a crush on a tree, what do I do?"  Tips on flirting with your favorite being who's gender is roots and branches.

The video version of this podcast below is the same audio content, plus some nice pictures.