Vagus Nerve Calming Breath - How To

This is tutorial on learning to calm to the body, specifically calming the nerve that activates the Fight, Flight of Freeze response. That is the Sympathetic Vagus Nerve. Learning to tone, or release that nerve can help to calm your body back to a normal unactivated state. People have reported that is can relieve Post Traumatic Stress Disorder if practiced frequently for the first 8 weeks.

In this class you will learn

  • to identify to 5 points at the start and the end of the Vagus Nerve

  • how to stimulate each point to tone the nerve

  • a breathing technique for releasing an activated nerve

  • a meditation to encourage calm in the body

  • to teach your body that it is physically safe

  • the relationship of breathe to calm

Teacher - Pomegranate Doyle

Artist - Pomegranate Doyle

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