Vagus Nerve Calming Breath - Meditation

This is a short Calming Breath Meditation for the Vagus Nerve. You may want to do it once or several times in a row. You may have strong emotions come up as you do this breath, this is normal - simply repeat the breath again while noticing you are psychically safe. (If you find the emotions too much it might be helpful to find a counselor, you might find you are now able to address issues previously too difficult to approach.)

Use it:

  • to tone, or release the Sympathetic Vagus Nerve

  • to calm to body back to a normal unactivated state

  • for a useful daily practice

  • to teach your body deactivate after a flight, fight or freeze trigger

  • to release trauma without drama

Take these classes first: How to do a Vagus Nerve Breath

Teacher - Pomegranate Doyle

Artist - Pomegranate Doyle

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